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Uhvatite korak s konkurencijom ili jednostavno isprobajte nove mogućnosti koje vam pruža Interent marketing. Oni koji su se oprobali samostalno ili preko druge agencije u kampanjama ili marketing aktivnostima, nudimo kvalitetnu nadogradnju pomoću naših certificiranih specijalista.

Google ads - Google advertising

Stand out on Google search and improve your business with Kuhada Agency

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With Google Ads advertising and Kuhada digital agency, reach your target audience, increase visits and sales

Google Ads advertising has become the top choice for every business in recent years that wants to stand out on Google and attract potential clients to their website. If Google ads are managed in a quality and experienced manner, those who invest in them will quickly see all the benefits of Google advertising.

What are Google ads?

Google ads are a form of paid advertising on the Google search engine, where your ads are displayed only when a user searches for a keyword you are advertising for.

In other words, your ad appears to the right people, at the right place, and at the right time, during their search and interest in the product or service you offer.

You have complete control over costs and determine how much of your budget you will spend. Most importantly, you only pay when someone clicks on your ad.

Measurable results; let’s say you invest €1000 in advertising your seaside apartments. If you get 500 visits at a cost of €2 per click, that means 500 people are interested in what you offer and they have come to your site through a paid ad. If only 2%, or 10 people, book accommodation, with an average earning of €500 per reservation, it means you have earned €4,000 in net profit from the investment

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Where can Google Ads ads be displayed?

Google Search Network – Your ad is displayed in text format when a potential consumer searches for the keyword you are advertising for

Google Display Network – Your ad is displayed in image format on over 2 million websites, reaching over 90% of internet users. It’s possible to define specific portals, contextual article placements (e.g. an article about business gifts) or the interests of your potential clients. The biggest advantage of this type of advertising is remarketing, which means showing your ad again to previous visitors to your website.

Gmail ads – Interactive ads that, as an extension of display ads land directly in your clients’ inboxes.

YouTube ads – Your video ads are shown to a precisely targeted audience when they search for and watch YouTube.

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225-525 Monthly
  • Monthly agency cost
  • Google Search or Display Network
  • Statistical analysis and recommendations
  • The maintenance price depends on the chosen package
Google Ads

What can be achieved through Google ads?

Google ads tražilica

Implementation of Google Ads campaigns

For effective advertising on Google, it requires knowledge, experience and a significant amount of time, which many companies may not have or enough personnel and resources for. By hiring experts in the field of digital marketing, you can be sure that you are not wasting money but rather improving your business, freeing up more time for yourself.

paketi marketing

Google Ads certified experts at KUHADA agency will work diligently on your campaigns to:

Through Google Ads analytics, Kuhada experts will see what results your ads are delivering so that they can react and conduct optimization at the right time to make your ads even more successful

Google Ads oglasi daju trenutne rezultate

Google Ads oglašavanje prikazuje 7 oglasa na 1. stranici Google pretraživanja (SERP), 4 na vrhu i 3 na kraju stranice. Oglasi se prikazuju i na idućim stranicama, ali 1. stranica je ona na kojoj svi želimo biti.

Google Ads oglasi višestruko povećavaju mogućnost da Vaša usluga i proizvod budu vidljivi potencijalnom klijentu, budući da se Vaš oglas pojavljuje kao odgovor na pretragu potencijalnog kupca koji traži baš tu određenu vrstu proizvoda ili usluge.

PPC (PayPerClick) znači da vam se naplaćuje samo kada netko klikne na Vaš link-oglas, tako da nemate straha od neplaniranih ogromnih računa. Za Vas ćemo postaviti dnevne i mjesečne limite…

Iz svake uložene kune, ili više njih, cilj je dobiti što kvalitetne posjetitelje, koji su spremni kupiti Vaš proizvod.

Prednosti Google Ads oglašavanja:

Zašto trebate Google Ads oglašavanje prepustiti stručnjacima?

Kvalitetno oglašavanje na internetu putem Google Ads-a iziskuje znanje, iskustvo te vrijeme koje veliki dio tvrtki nema. Angažirajući stručnjake, bit ćete sigurni da ne trošite novce uzalud te ćete imati više vremena posvetiti se svom poslu.

Google Ads oglašavanje može biti veoma profitabilno pod uvjetom da mu se pristupi profesionalno i stručno.

Kuhadini Google Ads certificirani stručnjaci će svakodnevno raditi na Vašim kampanjama kako bi:

Kod Google Ads oglašavanja brzo se vidi što djeluje, a što ne, jer se u kratkom roku vidi kako ljudi reagiraju na Vaše oglase te se u trenu mogu optimizirati oglasi kako bi bili što uspješniji.

Naši stručnjaci će redovito pratiti Vaše kampanje i optimizirati ih za što bolji učinak.

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